Wednesday, 17 December 2014

My journey so far to becoming a CONNECTED EDUCATOR

A large part of starting this blog was due to being part of Connected Educators Month 2014 and going through the Connected Educator Month Starter Kit.  I also have to say that I may have never even know about this course if it hadn't been shared to a shared graduate teacher group page by a fellow graduate who I trained with. Thankyou!

Being a part of this month long event has opened my eyes to many new ways of learning in the classroom and introduced me to many other educators like myself who are interested in becoming, or already are, connected educators. My only regrets are that I learned of it half way through the month and also that I do not have my own class to be able to implement all of the wonderful things I have learned so far.

My journey is a slow one, I am still working my way through the starter kit, as I am working this in with work, job applications and lately a few of weekends away with friends and family (It's that time of year after all). Despite this I think that my dedication to this journey will extend long beyond the month it is celebrated.

So far I am amazed by the number of tools available and the numerous inventive ways that teachers have implemented these tools in the classroom. Of all of them I think I am most amazed by Twitter.

I remember when Twitter was first gaining popularity, being curious as to what it was all about I decided to join and see. The thing was that back then it all seemed rather pointless, tweeting to complete strangers and what about? Where I had a nice cup of coffee? If I wanted to connect with people I could use Facebook, at least on there I was connecting with people that I actually knew!

Needless to say I soon gave up. Yet on Day 3 of the starter kit I decided to give it a second chance and I'm really glad that I did. Finally I had a purpose for using Twitter and I was able to communicate with others who shared a common need; a need to connect and share with other educators about education. Since rejoining Twitter I have been privileged to learn from and chat with many other educators and in effect opened up my learning network community to many teachers from all around the world. I still find this amazing.

If you are also an educator looking to connect please join me and many others on Twitter. I look forward to seeing you there @lisamoniquej

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